Fig trees have been cultivated for millennia – indeed, they are thought to be among the first trees planted and grown deliberately by humans.

They are common throughout the Mediterranean region along with West and South Asia, and wherever they are found, they have acquired strong cultural and spiritual significance.

So to help you understand a little bit more about fig trees and what they have symbolized to different peoples through the ages, in this post, we look at the details of fig tree spiritual meaning.

11 Spiritual Meanings of Fig Tree pin

Fig Tree Spiritual Meanings

1. Enlightenment

One of the most important spiritual associations with fig trees is enlightenment since the Buddha gained enlightenment after meditating for 49 days beneath a Ficus religiosa, a species of fig tree, in what is now Bodh Gaya in India’s Bihar state in around 500 BCE.

As a result, this site has become one of the most important destinations for Buddhist pilgrims, and the tree, known as the Bodhi Tree, is one of the most important symbols of the Buddhist religion.

A Ficus religiosa still grows on the same site, although the actual tree under which the Buddha achieved enlightenment no longer exists.

However, the modern tree is said to be descended from the original tree, and other trees descended from the original are also still known, notably in Jetavana Monastery near Sravasti in India’s Uttar Pradesh state, in Sri Lanka, in Vietnam and in Japan.

2. The Forbidden Fruit

The fig tree also has significance in Christianity for a couple of reasons.

First, it is thought that the tree growing in the Garden of Eden that bore the Forbidden Fruit was a fig tree and that the fruit the serpent tempted Adam and Eve into eating, against the express orders of God, was a fig.

This led to the Fall of Man that saw Adam and Eve banished from the Garden, and this is also what brought sin into the world.

After eating the fruit, Adam and Eve became aware of their nakedness and were ashamed, and this led them to cover themselves using fig leaves.

As a result, in modern usage and popular culture, the idea of a “fig leaf” refers to covering something distasteful or embarrassing with something small – and in art, actual fig leaves are often used to cover the genitals of nudes in a direct reference to the Book of Genesis.

Figs and fig trees appear later in the New Testament too – and Jesus often used figs as the basis of his parables. For example, in Luke, Jesus talked of a barren fig tree, saying that if it doesn’t give figs, it should be cut down and shouldn’t take up the land.

3. The Jewish homeland

The Jewish homeland

Fig trees are highly significant in Judaism, partly due to their appearance in the Old Testament.

Most importantly, fig trees are used as the symbol of Israel and the Promised Land of the Israelites.

Today, the modern state of Israel is also full of fig trees, which give two harvests per year.

Some people see this as representing the abundance of the land and the bounty of God towards his chosen people.

Even before the creation of the modern state of Israel, the fig tree was used as a symbol of the concept of the Jewish homeland due to a line from the First Book of Kings, “Judah and Israel shall dwell securely, each man under his own vine and fig tree, from Dan to Beersheba”.

4. Peace, prosperity, growth and abundance

As an extension of these ideas found in the Bible, fig trees have also been seen as symbols of peace and prosperity.

In much the same way as fig trees represented the idea of a Jewish homeland, more broadly, they can be seen as being a symbol of somewhere people can live in peace, tilling the land and enjoying its bounty.

At the same time, since they continue to grow and provide fruit every year, fig trees are symbolic of growth and abundance.

Indeed, as one of the very first trees that were domesticated, the fig tree also represents security and receiving nourishment from the land.

5. A connection to nature

As deeply spiritual trees, fig trees are seen as representing our connection to nature and our need to stay in touch with nature.

We all come from nature, but in our modern, hectic, urban lives, this is all too easy to forget.

This means fig trees can help remind us of our need to take the time to reconnect with nature as often as we can.

If you can grow a fig tree at home, it will ensure you don’t forget your connection with nature, even if you don’t often have the time to go into the countryside or the wilderness.

Then, when you do have the time to spend time close to nature, you will be able to absorb all its natural positive energy and wisdom, something the fig tree reminds you to do.

Alternatively, if you dream of a fig tree, it could be a sign that you need to reconnect with nature, so you should take the time to walk in a forest or sit quietly by a lake to enjoy the rejuvenating powers of mother Earth.

6. Staying grounded

Staying grounded

With roots that penetrate deep into the soil, the fig tree is also a symbol of staying grounded, however successful you become and however far from home you travel.

Sometimes, as you begin to get on in life, it can be all too easy to become arrogant and conceited or to forget where you came from.

At such times, fig trees should remind you of the importance of staying humble and remaining true to your roots rather than letting your successes go to your head.

7. The Tree of Life

The fig tree is often taken to be a representation of the Tree of Life and everything this powerful spiritual symbol encapsulates.

The roots below represent a connection to the Earth, the trunk symbolizes the physical world and the branches reaching up into the sky are representative of the heavens and the spirit world.

The Tree of Life is also a symbol of the interconnectedness of the universe, and the fig tree can also be taken to be a physical embodiment of this idea.

8. The cycle of life

Another idea connected to the Tree of Life that the fig tree represents is the never-ending cycle of life.

Although one fig tree may die, before it does so, it produces the seeds that will be spread, giving birth to new fig trees, continuing the cycle.

This can remind us that whenever one thing comes to an end, although we might mourn its passing, it also brings with it new beginnings.

Seeing a fig tree in a dream can bring us similar messages – for example, one about change.

If you are worried about an upcoming change in your life because you don’t know what the future holds, dreaming of a fig tree can tell you to face the future with optimism since although the future may bring uncertainty, it will also bring with it new opportunities.

Fig trees also remind us of the eternal nature of our spirit in contrast with our fleetingly short lives in physical form, and dreaming of one may be a reminder to devote more of your time to spiritual practices.

9. Healing


The fig tree has long been thought of as a tree of healing.

In some places, its milky sap has been used to soften calluses and remove warts as well as getting rid of parasites.

Figs are well known to have laxative properties and are used to treat constipation and help ease bowel movements.

In other traditions, figs have also been used to treat hemorrhoids and even gout, making them a useful component of folk and traditional medicine.

10. Female sexuality and fertility

In ancient Babylonia, the sacred fig tree, known as Xikum, was associated with Ishtar, the goddess of love, war and fertility. This meant that fig trees and figs were also connected to female sexuality and fertility.

This idea is also reinforced by the fact that the fig can be seen as resembling the womb.

As a result, if you dream of a fig tree, it could be related to childbirth or parenthood, and it may be a message that now is the time to try for a baby or that you are now ready to have a baby, even if you hadn’t realized it on a fully conscious level.

Alternatively, if you are already trying to get pregnant, such a dream could also be a premonition that good news is on the way.

11. Longevity

Finally, since many species of fig tree are incredibly long-lived, fig trees are natural symbols of longevity.

This means you may choose to plant one as a sign of your wish for a long life or for the long life and prosperity of somebody else – and you can give figs as a gift as a token of a similar sentiment.

Many different spiritual meanings

As we’ve seen, fig trees have deep spiritual significance and are important symbols in several major religions.

Theyrepresent enlightenment, the wisdom and bounty of nature, fertility, healing and the cycle of life, all things you can consider next time you enjoy a delicious fruit from this extremely important tree.

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