It might be unpleasant, unwelcome and downright disgusting, but when a bird poops on your car, it’s not all bad news since it may be an omen or spiritual message that you need to interpret.

However, it’s not always easy to work out exactly what the message might be, so in this post, we look at bird poop on car spiritual meaning to help you interpret what you saw.

11 Spiritual Meanings of Bird Poop on Car pin

Bird Poop on Car Spiritual Meanings

1. Good luck

One of the most universal interpretations of getting pooped on by a bird is that it is an omen of good luck – and this also extends to your car receiving the special delivery.

Many people believe that everything happens for a reason, and when a bird poops on your car, this seemingly random occurrence is thought to presage the random arrival of good fortune.

There’s good reason for this belief, too.

Most people don’t particularly enjoy getting pooped on, and having a bird poop on your car is pretty unwelcome because you then need to go and clean it off.

However, everything in the universe is interconnected, and any good luck needs to be balanced with something unfortunate.

As a result of this, the bird poop landing on your car may be the universe’s way of balancing the books in advance by sending some minor inconvenience your way. This will then be repaid by the unexpected good luck you’re about to receive.

2. Spiritual purification

Another message a bird pooping on your car may bring is that you need to let go of negativity or negative emotions that are building up inside you.

For example, if someone has upset you, and you unable to let go of the anger, the bird pooping on your car could be a sign that you need to find it within yourself to forgive the person and leave what happened in the past.

This will help you to purify yourself spiritually, purging you of the negative energy you were holding inside you and allowing you to face the future in a more positive frame of mind.

3. Spiritual development

Spiritual development

Along similar lines, a bird pooping on your car could represent a message about your spirituality and spiritual development.

As we walk the path towards spiritual evolution and enlightenment, we need to identify negative ways of acting and thinking that we have so we can leave them behind.

In their place, we should embrace positivity as well as spiritually beneficial practices such as inner calm and mindfulness.

This means a bird pooping on your car could be a sign that you need to spend time in meditation to analyze where you are on your personal path towards spiritual awakening.

You should focus on identifying the thoughts and behaviors that are holding you back and then use meditation to help you break free from them, allowing you to grow and develop as a more spiritual being.

4. You need to assert your freedom or independence

Birds represent freedom and independence, and poop on your car from one could be a sign that you also need or want to assert yours.

Perhaps you are allowing somebody else to make important decisions for you – in which case, the bird poop could be a message telling you it’s time you stood up and took control of the direction of your life for yourself.

Alternatively, if you are in a relationship with a controlling partner, the message the poop could bring is that you need to assert your independence more – or perhaps even consider breaking free entirely.

Spend time thinking about how the message from the bird poop could apply to your life and then consider which changes you need to make.

5. You need to reassess your decisions

If you have recently made an important decision and then a bird poops on your car, it can sometimes be the universe’s way of telling you that you may need to reconsider your decision.

For example, if you have been offered a promotion but have turned it down because it would mean moving to another part of the country, the bird poop could be an omen telling you to think things through again.

Perhaps the move to a new area and the new position are destined to have a major positive impact on the rest of your life, and the bird poop is a message telling you to change your mind and accept the job before the opportunity passes you by.

6. A reminder to show gratitude for the things you have

A reminder to show gratitude for the things you have

A bird pooping on your car can sometimes be a reminder to show gratitude for the things you have and to count your blessings, however small they may be.

We don’t always get to choose the cards that life deals us, but we do get to decide how to play them – so rather than complaining about what we don’t have, we should always be thankful for what we do have.

This is easy to say though, and sometimes we can forget. But then a bird comes along and poops on your car to remind you to be more positive about life, to appreciate the people close to you and to show gratitude, even for the small things in life that make us happy.

7. Don’t give up hope

Interpreting the meaning of a bird pooping on your car can often be helped by considering the current circumstances in your life, and if you are feeling low or listless when it happens or have recently suffered some kind of setback, the bird poop could bring a message of hope.

When a bird poops on your car, it could be telling you that however bad things might currently seem, or however hopeless a situation may appear, circumstances are only ever temporary, and things may start looking a lot better very soon.

As a result, you shouldn’t give up hope but rather should search for your reserves of inner strength that will help you get through the bad times and emerge stronger on the other side for the experience.

8. Poop from a dove – peace and harmony

If you see a bird pooping on your car, the message can be even more powerful than if you discover the deed after the event, and when you see it happen, you should take note of which bird did it because the species can help you interpret the omen.

If a dove poops on your car, the message is often one related to peace and harmony.

For example, if you have been involved in a feud with someone of late, a dove pooping on your car may tell you that it’s time to try to patch things up – or that the other person is now more open to finding an amicable solution.

On the other hand, the message could be that you need to spend time seeking more spiritual balance and harmony because you haven’t been dedicating enough time to spirituality recently and have lost some of your spiritual equilibrium.

9. Poop from a hawk – be more decisive or assertive

Poop from a hawk – be more decisive or assertive

Seeing a hawk poop on your car conveys quite a different message and may tell you that you need to be more decisive or assertive in some particular way.

If you’re facing a big decision, make your choice and face the consequences rather than being hesitant and unsure of yourself.

Or it could be that your boss or a coworker is pushing you around too much in the office – in which case, the message is that you need to stand up for yourself rather than just passively accepting everything.

10. Poop from a pigeon – you are about to start a new romantic relationship

A poop from a pigeon usually carries a message about a romantic adventure that is about to begin, so if you witness a pigeon leaving you a special “gift”, you should pay attention to those around you to see who might secretly have their eye on you.

If you are interested in starting a new relationship, you should also remain open to the advances of strangers since you may be about to encounter someone destined to play an important role in the rest of your life.

11. A guardian angel is trying to contact you

Finally, a bird pooping on your car may be a signal that an angel is trying to get your attention since you have been missing other messages they have been trying to send you.

If you can’t work out how to interpret bird poop on your car, you should try to become more attuned to the spirit world and receptive to other signs such as angel numbers you may be sent to try to work out what message the angel is trying to pass on to you from the other side.

A message you should take the time to interpret

Although it might seem like a random act of avian terrorism, a bird pooping on your car rarely happens for no reason.

To work out the deeper meaning behind the event, think about how it might apply to any challenges you’re facing or questions you’re trying to answer.

Then, by allowing your intuition to be your guide, you will be led to the correct interpretation of what occurred.

11 Spiritual Meanings of Bird Poop on Car pin

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