The past of dreadlocks is pretty mysterious, and no one is sure where the twisted locks originated. However, scientists believe they are connected with the Minoan civilization, and their history started at least 3,600 years ago in Crete, Greece.

This hairstyle is also significant for ancient Egyptians, Buddhists, and Hindus. Nowadays, people often associate them with Rastafarians from Jamaica, but you can expect many different spiritual meanings of dreadlocks thanks to a mix of cultures that have accepted them.

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Dreadlocks Spiritual Meanings

Some information suggests that dreadlocks occurred for the first time in Minoan civilization on the island of Crete. There is also written evidence in Vedas dating back to 1500 BC about Lord Shiva wearing his hair in Jaṭā (locks).

Dreadlocks (locs, locks, dreads) are rope-like strands you need to maintain while your hair forms by natural matting and sticking. Regardless of whether they were created after long-term non-brushing and neglect of hygiene or in a hairdressing salon, they have numerous spiritual meanings. Let’s see.

1 – Wisdom

Old beliefs said that human heads and hair are conductors of spiritual energy, making dreadlocks a connection to supreme wisdom. Both Eastern and Western traditions advocate the view that they allow spiritual energy to flow from the head top to the body, making dreadlocks a conduit.

Since proper dreadlocks always signify wisdom, the wisest and most spiritual elders prefer such a hairstyle. So, specifically braided strands of hair also represent a connection with truly wise gods and spirits.

In this context, this way of growing hair makes it easier for people to identify the wisest spirits and learn from them about life and spirituality.

Ethiopian culture is the best example of this attitude. Its members believe dreadlocks symbolize a direct connection to spiritual forces, mental strength, and purity. They try to organize locs as close to their face as possible to promote wisdom.

Dreadlocks Spiritual Meanings

2 – Strength, power, and resilience

As you probably know, forming dreadlocks is a long process that includes regular maintenance. Since taking care of this haircut requires dedication and ultimate patience, it is natural to consider them symbols of strength and power in overcoming obstacles.

Even the Bible mentions dreadlocks through a story about Samson and Delilah. He had locs that represented and symbolized his strength and power. As soon as Delilah cut his hair, he lost his strength and became weak.

Egyptian culture claimed something similar. Dreadlocks meant greatness and power in this ancient nation. Since Pharaohs were almost deities, they wore this kind of haircut as a sign of supreme power.

Interestingly, only half of these powerful men and women had natural dreadlocks on their heads. Another half shaved their heads and wore wigs with dreads, which have stayed intact on mummies until today.

Even later, people believed in the power this hairstyle could bring to them. For instance, Vikings wore dreadlocks to intimidate their enemies and ensure win.

Similarly, Maasai warriors from Kenya and Tanzania enjoy wearing long, thin, red dreadlocks. They symbolize their strength, invincibility, and power and a way to make enemies scared.

The Himba tribe from northern Namibia still considers long dreadlocks on men’s heads a sign of power. On the other hand, Himba women traditionally wear thick and lustrous locks to increase fertility.

3 – Rebellion

In the past, dreadlocks showed nonconforming and nonviolent ways of rebellion against authority. Everything started with Ras Tafari, the emperor of Ethiopia. After he was exiled in the 1930s, his followers decided not to cut their hair until his return to the throne.

So-called Rastafarians represented their unity, defy expectations, and rebellion against British colonizers and disdain for their authority. They wanted to align with their inner guidance and despised the forcefully imposed style of enslavers.

Decades later, wearing dreadlocks became a way to rebel against political ideologies and beauty standards dictated by mainstream society. This unique hairstyle meant a nonviolent struggle against societal trends and traditional rules.

Hippies, who tended to live outside the established norms, accepted dreadlocks. That was a way for them to show their unique self-expression, dedication to freedom, and faith in the ease of living.


4 – Spiritual growth and transformation

Some dedicated dread lovers equal growing and maintaining dreadlocks with personal and spiritual growth and the process of transformations in their lives. They believe their spiritual, mental, and emotional development mimics hair strands slowly twisting and locking.

According to this belief, allowing the hair to form unique dreads helps wearers better understand themselves and the universe and achieve heightened consciousness. In other words, channeling the spiritual energy to higher knowledge through this specific hairstyle is possible.

In addition to Rastafarians from Jamaica, who base their ideology on the Bible, many other religions consider dreads as a synonym for spirituality. For instance, priests from Shamanic cultures wear dreadlocks to show their allegiance to their ancient deities and ancestral spirits.

Priests from the Kenyan Turkana people and the Nigerian Yoruba ethnic group wear dreadlocks that symbolize their religious belonging. Finally, some Nigerian children are born with natural dreads. They are called Dada and appreciated as future priests and priestesses.

5 – Freedom, unity, and identity

Believe it or not, one of the standard methods to strip people of their identity and tradition was through a specific haircut. For instance, white landlords and enslavers symbolically humiliated black people by denying them the right to choose a particular hairstyle.

That was especially important when their hairstyle was associated with their tradition and cultural identity, which was unique for every African tribe. Hence, dreadlocks and braids were forbidden for their descendants.

Nowadays, people wear dreadlocks to honor their enslaved ancestors, celebrate African culture, and as a symbol of hard-won freedom. Others accept dreads as a way of fighting against judgments because they believe everyone deserves emotional and visual liberation without fear of criticism.

Finally, people choose to wear their hair in dreads as a symbol of community, affiliation, and unity. That way, those sharing the same beliefs, standards, and values recognize each other. For instance, Jamaicans wear dreadlocks to celebrate freedom from long-term slavery.

6 – Sustainable lifestyle and environmental awareness

Dreadlocks have unobtrusively become a symbol of healthy living, environmental awareness, and sustainable lifestyle over the years. Since maintaining dreadlocks doesn’t require cosmetics, it is acceptable for those dedicated to a healthy, environmentally friendly, and chemical-free lifestyle.

In other words, supporting dreads reduces excessive water use and shampooing, decreasing ecological footprint. It is a trendy way of promoting environmentally friendly living that includes respect for all living beings.

7 – Natural beauty, non-conformism, and anti-vanity

For decades, dreadlocks have represented a rejection of materialism, conformism, superficiality, and vanity. Therefore, you can meet people wearing them who focus on inner qualities.

They usually enjoy a simple way of life and teach others about humility and the importance of spiritual growth over fashion trends, compulsive shopping, and the accumulation of material goods.

Expectedly, dreads are common in Buddhist culture that focuses on non-material lifestyles. This hairstyle is an accepted holy method to suppress vanity and the desire to possess.

However, some people consider dreadlocks to be a natural and beautiful hairstyle. In this case, they symbolize acceptance of natural looks without conforming to established beauty standards.

Natural beauty, non-conformism, and anti-vanity

8 – Purity

Despite the established belief that messy hair represents freedom from social norms, dreadlocks can symbolize purity. Taking proper care of your dreadlocks makes you look elegant and attractive.

Besides, such a hairstyle allows spiritual energy to flow, allowing those next to you to feel the effects of pure energy. In fact, only those who look clean and neat can offer proper advice and provide clear guidance in some religions.

9 – Energy flow and protection

In some cultures, wearing dreadlocks means spiritual and physical protection from negative energy. Many believe that the energy flow has changed while dreadlocks increase in size, creating a protective shield over their heads.

If true, it is the most direct influence of dreadlocks because they alter how energy flows. In this case, the human body accumulates greater energy with more complicated dreadlock layering and intricating.

In other words, those who use this hairstyle properly can increase their spirituality, creativity, and capability to learn new things. Be careful because they attract positive and negative energies equally, and it is on you to control their flow correctly.

10 – Fashion statements

Nowadays, you can meet numerous people wearing dreadlocks because they are fashionable. Some like the feeling of twisting their hair in such an unusual way, while others respect dreads as a lifestyle. The list includes some musicians, actors, rappers, and athletes.

The best of all is that you can wear and maintain dreads for years or enjoy them only for a limited period. After that, you can simply comb your hair back and make it straight again.

You can also choose one of the trendy fashion statements besides traditional locs, like sisterlocks and free-forms. If you are impatient and want to get long dreadlocks immediately, it is possible to find artificial ones like crochet hair and faux locs.

Other variations include box braids, multi-colored synthetic locs, and dread perms. You can also have your designed hair in cornrows or twist it without fear of tangling it or ending up with ugly splitting hair ends.

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