Snowflake obsidian, a dark glassy stone with snow-like flecks of white seemingly floating inside, is mesmerizing to look at – but there’s more to it than just aesthetics since it’s also a stone that contains great spiritual power.

There are many ways you can use snowflake obsidian in your spiritual rituals and practices on your path towards spiritual enlightenment – and to help you understand more about how to do so, in this post, we look at the details of snowflake obsidian spiritual meaning.

11 Spiritual Meanings of Snowflake Obsidian pin

Snowflake Obsidian Spiritual Meanings

1. It can help you get in touch with hidden feelings and emotions

Regular obsidian is pure black, but snowflake obsidian contains flecks of white that can be seen as representing emotions or feelings that lie hidden below the dark surface of your subconscious mind.

For this reason, snowflake obsidian has the power to help you see beneath your consciousness to face what might lie in the subconscious levels of your awareness.

If you have suppressed feelings or emotions, possibly as the result of some kind of traumatic or upsetting event in your past, meditating with a piece of snowflake obsidian can help you find those emotions and face up to them on your own terms.

At the same time, if you don’t understand what is making you behave or react in a certain way, snowflake obsidian can help you analyze your deepest desires and motivations.

It can help you understand that perhaps you are harboring feelings of jealousy or resentment towards somebody that you weren’t aware of on a conscious level.

Then, by identifying such feelings through meditating with snowflake obsidian, you can take the first steps towards releasing such negative feelings from your being.

2. It can help heal emotional pain

As well as helping you dive beneath the surface of your conscious mind to discover what lies below the surface, snowflake obsidian can also help you deal with negativity, allowing you to process and release pent-up negative energy from the past.

For example, if you find that you are harboring feelings of anger toward somebody, the snowflake obsidian will also help you give up and let go of such negative emotions.

This will then help you start healing the old wounds and bringing you back to a more positive emotional and spiritual state.

3. It helps you accept your flaws and those of others

It helps you accept your flaws and those of others

Snowflake obsidian is a stone that can help you accept your flaws, teaching you to love yourself the way you are rather than always trying to be somebody or something you are not.

Everybody has their strong points as well as their weaknesses, and the duality of snowflake obsidian teaches us that we need to accept all parts of our character as being a part of us rather than trying to hide from the parts we don’t like.

At the same time, snowflake obsidian reminds us not to be too quick to judge others – because other people are just as fallible as we are, so we shouldn’t expect them to be perfect any more than we can be perfect ourselves.

4. It helps you learn to take the rough with the smooth

Not every moment in life can be filled with joy, and unfortunate events are as much a part of life as the happy times.

Indeed, the sad times are equally important since without misfortune, the happy times would be meaningless.

Misfortune, adversity and challenge are the things that make us appreciate the good times all the more and make our achievements even more valuable.

This is another lesson that snowflake obsidian can teach us, so when you are going through a difficult period in your life, keep a piece of snowflake obsidian nearby.

It will then remind you to stay strong since the hard times will come to an end and the happy times will soon return.

5. It brings balance

Snowflake obsidian is a symbol of balance like yin and yang. It represents the duality of nature that is also embodied in night and day, life and death, hot and cold and so many other things that surround us, and ultimately it is a stone that can help bring balance to our lives.

When you need help restoring spiritual balance to your life, you can wear a piece of snowflake obsidian jewelry or you can incorporate this stone into your meditation.

It will help balance your mind, allowing you to rediscover an equilibrium between your responsibilities in the physical world and your spiritual needs.

At the same time, by meditating with snowflake obsidian, you may be able to gain greater perspective and insight, understanding what truly matters and what is less important.

This will then allow you to focus on only the things that count while letting go of the things that don’t.

6. It represents unity, relationships and friendship

It represents unity, relationships and friendship

For similar reasons, snowflake obsidian represents unity, like yin and yang, combining black and white into something that requires both halves to become whole.

This is why snowflake obsidian is a popular gift between people who are close to one another since it represents their union or friendship and expresses that one half is not complete without the other.

7. It calms fiery emotions

Obsidian is forged in fire through volcanic eruptions, but snowflake obsidian contains tiny impurities that resemble pieces of ice trapped inside the glassy stone.

This represents the ability of ice and water to quench the power of fire, and this is a power that snowflake obsidian also possesses.

For people who have fiery tempers or for those who find it hard to control their emotions, snowflake obsidian can help bring new levels of calm.

Wearing a piece of this striking stone will enable you to take a few deep breaths before acting, giving you the strength to control your emotions and to behave in a more rational way rather than acting rashly and then regretting the consequences later.

8. It brings peace and tranquility to your mind

Snowflake obsidian can also be used as an aid to regular meditative practice due to its ability to help calm and focus the mind.

If you find you sometimes have racing thoughts that you can’t control, preventing you from entering a relaxed and controlled meditative state, holding a piece of snowflake obsidian in your hand at the start of your meditation can help you bring about more mental calm.

In turn, this will make your meditation more beneficial, giving you deeper insights while also bringing inner calm and mental relaxation.

9. It represents wisdom

It represents wisdom

The white snowflakes hidden in the dark obsidian represent wisdom surrounded by ignorance, and keeping a piece of this stone nearby will help you remember always to seek the truth.

Snowflake obsidian is a stone of wisdom and knowledge, and it will help you act with wisdom while seeing through deceit – and even helping you stay true and honest with yourself.

10. It drives away negativity and evil

This stone also has a powerful ability to dispel negativity and negative thoughts and can be used as a charm to help keep you safe from negative energy.

Wearing a piece of snowflake obsidian while around negative people will deflect their negative energy, leaving you impervious to the harm it may otherwise cause.

If you keep a piece of snowflake obsidian near you, it can also help you avoid falling into negative thought patterns or behaviors, enabling you maintain an optimistic outlook, whatever is happening around you.

It’s also a valuable stone to keep near you at night since it can help protect you from negativity while you sleep.

It can keep away evil spirits during the night while also helping prevent nightmares, ensuring you wake up the next day feeling refreshed and ready for whatever new challenges lie ahead.

11. It helps with spiritual development

Finally, snowflake obsidian is a stone that can help you on your spiritual journey as you walk the path towards spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

This striking stone represents the hidden mysteries of the universe, and as well as being able to help you benefit more from practices such as meditation, it can also bring you closer to the spirit world.

By incorporating this stone into your meditation and other spiritual practices and rituals, you will become more attuned to the spirit realm, making you more sensitive to spiritual messages beings from the other side may be trying to send you.

By keeping a piece of snowflake obsidian close by, you may find that you begin noticing signs such as angel numbers more frequently in your life.

This is an indication that you are making progress on your spiritual journey and that you are continuing to grow and develop as a more deeply spiritual being.

A visually striking and spiritually powerful stone

As we’ve seen, although it may be beautiful to look at, snowflake obsidian is also a spiritually powerful stone with a range of spiritual uses.

Among other things, it can help bring balance to your life while protecting you from evil. It’s a stone of emotional healing and it’s also a stone of wisdom – and it can be a powerful aid on your path towards spiritual awakening and ultimate enlightenment.

11 Spiritual Meanings of Snowflake Obsidian pin

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