Even though you can find yellow, olive green, and brown variations, Peridot is typically a light green mineral mined in the US, Norway, Australia, Pakistan, Brazil, China, and Myanmar. According to scientists, it also exists on the planet Mars.

Many traditions have looked for the Peridot spiritual meaning because of the numerous attractive hues of green these minerals can appear in. The Romans appreciated them as Evening Emeralds, but they are lesser known than other semiprecious stones nowadays.

11 Spiritual Meanings of Peridot pin

Peridot Spiritual Meanings

Peridot was highly valued in ancient times but has been pretty neglected and underestimated in modern society. Still, there is hope of its popularity renewal after the Gemological Institute of America recently named it the extreme gem.

You can recognize a few types of these yellow-green to olive-green stones, including  Chrysolite, Forsterite, Olivine, Peridotite, and Fassaite. The Chrysolite was highly appreciated in ancient Greece as the Golden Stone.

This remarkable gem is the only one besides diamond that was formed outside the Earth’s crust. Ancient peoples believed a sun’s explosion ejected it to our vibrant blue planet. Modern scientists confirmed its atypical origin after finding it on Mars and 61 pieces of pallasite meteorites that managed to reach the Earth’s surface.

Thanks to such uniqueness, Egyptians believed in Peridot’s healing powers. They used this stone to regenerate themself physically, while its ability to sharpen the mind made it a crystal of choice for mental stimulation.

This symbol of warmth and well-being can open your mind to new levels of awareness and help you realize your spiritual purpose and destiny. Besides, people often carry it around the neck or left arm as a talisman against madness, magic, night terrors, and evil spirits.

1. Youthfulness, fertility, and motherhood

Egyptians consider Peridot (Gem of the Sun) their national crystal. Since its vibrant color reminds of spring, its spiritual meaning is linked to the goddess Isis. It represents prosperity, wealth, nature, and youthfulness. Even today, many people wear this stone as an amulet for protection.

According to an old legend, this crystal represents the tears of Ra, ancient Egypt’s sun god. It appeared because Ra cried with joy when realizing how beautiful the Earth was. Women who respected the goddess Isis used to wear this stone to increase fertility and ask for motherhood protection.

According to popular belief, Peridot has the power to protect people, particularly kids, from nightmares, negative energy, and jealousy. However, seeing it in dreams has the opposite meaning. In this case, this stone announces future misfortune.

2. Sanctity

Native Hawaiians found Peridots (tears of Pele) on their islands, but these natural gems were exceptionally rare in this region. That made them sacred stones and a crucial part of native mythology. Since they appeared onshore from the seaside, people were sure they were the tears of their goddess of fire and volcanos, Pele.

Even today, you can visit a green beach in Oahu covered with Peridots’ tiny particles. Since the goddess Pele is celebrated as the Hawaiian Islands’ Creator, taking even a grain of this green sand is strictly forbidden.

In Islamic culture, Peridot is a holy stone that represents paradise. The probable reason is its vibrant green color, which Muslims consider sacred. They wear this beautiful crystal to attract good luck into their lives and protect themselves and their families against envy.

This sacred gem protects people from enemies when worn as an amulet. Besides, it symbolizes fortune, harmony, spiritual growth, and new beginnings. Thanks to its positive energy, Hawaiians believe it represents the natural beauty of their islands and allows the growth of lush greenery.

3. Abundance and prosperity

Abundance and prosperity

Peridot got the name after the French word Peritot, meaning UNCLEAR. The reason was its cloudy appearance under magnification, while its unique color came from iron oxide crystals trapped inside the crystal.

Because of this uniqueness, this stone symbolizes abundance, wealth, success in business, and prosperity. For instance, Native American tribes believe wearing the Olivine variation attracts well-being and prosperity.

They link this stone with harmony, protection, and balance, thanks to its connection to the Earth’s energy. It also represents the connection between divine power, humans, and nature. Therefore, they used it in sacred rituals to connect with their ancestors’ spirits.

4. Blessings, love, creativity, and good fortune

Ancient Greece associated a Chrysolite variety (the Golden Stone) with the Sun and believed it could bring good fortune and blessings. In Roman culture, this crystal was celebrated as a symbol of love and beauty because of its connection with the goddess Venus.

Nowadays, people wear this beautiful stone as an amulet to attract power, good fortune, blessing, and luck. Besides, it is an excellent option for enhancing their personal charm and compassion, increasing their chances of gaining love and friendship.

Artists often use the advantage of Peridot to stimulate their imagination, creativity, and self-expression. That way, they stay true to themselves and their ideas, regardless of other people’s attitudes.

5. Sense and purpose

In the past, one of the primary purposes of Peridot was to calm anger, cure cowardice, and increase wit. It also protects the aura, alleviates obsessions and a sense of guilt, and helps people overcome fear, resentment, depression, and jealousy.

Peridot is also beneficial when you need to regulate your life’s emotional, mental, and physical phases. You should use it to eliminate negative patterns that keep you from gaining happiness and success.

Once the stone removes these mental blockages, you can start fresh, transform your life, and understand the full sense of your existence. Wearing this beautiful green crystal can positively affect your appearance by improving your eloquence and increasing charm.

6. Protection


Peridot was an unbelievably trendy stone in the Middle Ages because Christians connected it with St. John. They wore it as a talisman against evil spirits, nightmares, sadness, and magic.

Its primary purpose was to treat depression. Besides, this crystal helped people find joy in their lives and open their hearts to new love and friendships.

Ancient Greeks and Romans believed this unique stone protected wearers from negative energy. They often used it to increase positive feelings and reach tranquility and peace.

7. Purity

In the Middle Ages, Crusaders found mines of Peridot on Zabargad after invading Egypt and brought them to Europe. Priests quickly started setting this crystal in chalices and crosses as a symbol of purity.

High-ranking officials in the Catholic Church added this crystal as an ornament to their vestments to gain power and improve spiritual insight. Even though royals preferred more luxurious Emeralds, the wealthiest nobles often chose Peridot.

8. Emotional healing and mental clarity

Peridot is one of the best crystals for emotional healing and solving heart-related issues. You can use its pleasant energy to eliminate a feeling of self-blame.

Besides, it reduces resentment, spite, and rage and supports fighting against irritability, jealousy, and frustration. You can wear it to get rid of possible bitterness, greed, and hatred.

According to generally accepted belief, Peridot is a highly powerful stone for eliminating hard feelings because of betrayal. It is also a crucial helper in transforming negative thoughts into love, compassion, and gratitude.

This lovely crystal promotes mental clarity, stabilizes moods, sharpens focus, and motivates spiritual growth and change. It can support you in releasing old patterns, learning from your mistakes, and preventing you from repeating them.

9. Spirituality and awakening

Spirituality and awakening

Thanks to its positive features, Peridot is a favorite talisman for honoring the Creator’s love toward humanity. It can help you expand your ability to understand the higher power and accept spiritual gifts sent from the Universe.

People often connect this crystal with spiritual truth and destiny, allowing you to align with your inner truth. Use it to connect to higher consciousness, solve the karmic debt, and quiet spiritual fears and feelings of guilt.

You should embrace Peridot if you are one of those who accept everything the Universe has to offer. Thanks to its possibility to emit positive spiritual energy, you can use it to attract abundance, spiritual power, material wealth, and love into your life.

10. Calmness, peace, serenity, and self-love

Peridot has an incredible power to calm the mind by promoting inner peace and allowing relaxation and serenity. It also encourages self-love and improves your ability to recognize your actual worth.

Wearing this stone can help create a peaceful and calm home for you and your family. You can use it to promote a healthier life by getting rid of your addiction to cigarettes and drugs.

In ancient Greece, people believed Peridot bestowed nobility when worn as jewelry. Ancient Romans appreciated this crystal as the Evening Emerald and used it to promote serenity and calmness.

11. Metaphysical powers

The metaphysical power of Peridot can make it easier for you to escape past traumas, accept your mistakes, and forgive yourself. Only that way is it possible to continue living your life without regret and guilt.

Accept its help, give your best to understand, and ignore your negative emotions. Then, tackle the damage they inflicted on others and yourself. Once you clean your soul and heart, you will have a clear path, allowing you to live a positive and fulfilling life.

11 Spiritual Meanings of Peridot pin

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