The Sturgeon Moon is a Full Moon that appears in August. It got its name after the sturgeon fish that lived between the US and Canada in the Great Lakes. Its roots lead to the pagan Celtic festival of Lughnasadh (Lammas), which was held to celebrate the first harvest of the particular year.

As expected, people have looked for the Sturgeon Moon spiritual meaning because of its significance in everyday life. Since it appears in a period before the cold part of the year, it is a perfect time for people to give thanks for everything good they got during the summer.

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Sturgeon Moon Spiritual Meanings

The Sturgeon Moon is a supermoon that appears in August. Tribes living near the Great Lakes named it after the sturgeon fish abundant in that period. Thanks to its reddish hue at this time of year, it is sometimes known as Red Moon.

The Native American Myaamiaki tribe recognizes this August Full Moon as the Green Corn Moon because they can eat raw Miincipi corn directly off the cob during that time. Cherokee Native Americans consider it the End of Fruit Month.

The Shoshone tribe knows it as the Hot Moon, while its name is Dry Moon among Catawba Native Americans. Another synonym is the Fruit Moon, aligning its name with the harvest season and bountiful gifts of Mother Earth.

Other tribes celebrate it as the Flying Up Moon, symbolizing the longest days of the year and encouraging people to accept changes and discover their true potential. South Africans celebrate it as the Peace Moon, representing National Women’s Day.

In Old English, the Sturgeon Moon was known as the Grain or Barley Moon. The Inuit community calls it the Swan Flight Moon, inspired by young swans that start flying at this time. Celts called it the Lynx or Dispute Moon.

You can also hear the Hungry Ghost Moon term in Chinese Taoism because the Full Moon in August announces the Hungry Ghost Festival dedicated to honoring ancestors. Finally, Nordic Culture recognizes it as Heyannir, referring to hay drying.

1 – Personal growth

The Sturgeon Moon can help you manifest your intentions fully focused and without distractions. Once you align yourself with its energy, you can start with personal growth and expect love, abundance, and prosperity.

Since August is the harvest season, it is time to reap what you have sown and feel grateful for positive things and valuable lessons in your life. Remember that obstacles are crucial to anyone’s destiny, so accept them as inspiration for spiritual growth.

Depending on your level of awareness, you can experience emotional, physical, or spiritual abundance. Whatever the gift you get, it is a reason for celebration and gratitude, hoping that the next year can be even better.

2 – Abandon old patterns

The full moon in August offers intense energy to help you get rid of old patterns, emotions, and beliefs that are no longer beneficial for your highest good. Therefore, it is an ideal period for transformation, change, and releasing old, unsatisfying habits.

Another advantage of the Sturgeon Moon is that it allows you to cut across self-imposed limits. Only after shedding the old style of living and behavior can you embrace a new one. However, you should be prepared for such a change and reject the safety of the beaten path.

Only then can you be prepared for new options. One way is to visualize the person you wish to become in a reasonable period. As soon as you establish an approximate time for implementing your plan, you can start making choices accordingly.

3 – Connect to ancestral wisdom

Connect to ancestral wisdom

The Full Sturgeon Moon invites you to connect with the wisdom of your ancestors and seek their help. Honoring your blood and soul lines can help you obtain everything you need to fulfill your life and become satisfied with the things you have.

It is also time to honor a particular ancestor you feel emotionally or spiritually close to. You can pray for them or place their photo in your home to remind you of the person responsible for your existence. Paying tribute to their wisdom can help you get the necessary guidance from their spiritual presence.

4 – Reflection and gratitude

Some cultures consider the Sturgeon Moon a sacred period that provides opportunities for gratitude for every gift in life. It is also ideal for reflecting on future moves and preparing to receive more blessings.

Native Americans appreciated the Full Red Moon in August because it signals when sturgeon fish are abundant in the Great Lakes. Ojibwe and Menominee tribes caught them in the water and organized ceremonies to celebrate the bountiful fish catch.

Celts associated the Sturgeon Moon with their harvest festival, Lughnasadh. That way, they marked the beginning of the harvest season dedicated to Lugh, their God of light, abundance, and craftsmanship.

Many African cultures spent the period of the Full Moon in August organizing ceremonies and rituals to invoke its blessings. That way, they ensured protection against evil spirits, abundant crops that season, and fertile lands for the next one.

Nowadays, Neopagan and Wiccan traditions respect the Grain (Corn) Moon, symbolizing the crops’ ripening and abundant harvest season. It is time to recall the struggles of the past, which represent the potential for the future.

5 – Spiritual awakening

The Sturgeon Moon can help you on your path of spiritual awakening and reconnecting with your spirituality. You can expect your spiritual senses to become more sensitive, functional, and heightened.

Take advantage of this situation to deepen intuition and catch divine signals more efficiently than in any other period of the year. This Full Moon encourages you to explore your spiritual abilities, enhance your intuition, and rely on your inner guidance.

6 – Strength and power

Strength and power

The Sturgeon Moon symbolizes power and strength in numerous ways. You should look up to resilient sturgeon fish and use all your power to endure challenges and obstacles in your life and adapt to changes, whatever they can be.

Believing that your efforts are not wasted is crucial, so you should never give up. This Full Moon encourages and inspires you to stick to your dreams and use all your energy to make them true.

It is also an excellent moment to find inspiration and creative ideas for reaching all unaccomplished goals. The Sturgeon Moon is here to remind you that you still have enough time to achieve everything you want in the current year.

7 – Abundance, good luck, and fertility

The summer season is at its peak during the Sturgeon Moon, making it a celestial period reserved for abundance, transformation, and good luck in numerous cultures. Since it is harvesting time, the Full Moon in August is symbolically connected with fertility.

Consider this period a reminder to celebrate the results of your efforts during the previous period and express gratitude for the gifts you received. That way, you can count on positive energy, good luck, and fortune to come into your life after all the struggles you have survived.

8 – Transformation and renewal

As you probably know, the sturgeon fish undergoes several changes in their life cycles. In the same way, you can expect to transform and renew during the period of the Sturgeon Moon.

It is a perfect moment to embrace necessary changes, release negativity, and step toward spiritual renewal. Remain dogged, use all this summer energy to defy adversity, and remain steadfast in the hope for a better tomorrow.

This lovely Full Moon shining in the sky in August is also an omen of friendship. It can help you make new friends and build quality relationships. Be aware that you are not alone and rely on others to make your life better and more quality.

9 – Meet your shadows

Meet your shadows

The powerful Full Moon in August can successfully expose your shadows by shining a light on your darkness. So, you can become aware of unsolved old emotions and memories that appear on the surface of your soul like sturgeon fish rising from the lakes’ dark depths.

Even though you have ignored these experiences for a long time because they are painful, it is time to confront them. It is also possible to discover some emotions you can be unaware of. Be careful because they can prevent you from evolving and progressing spiritually when left unresolved.

10 – Take care of yourself

The Sturgeon Moon brings spiritual clarity, so you can rely on its power to support you in making crucial life decisions. It is time to clear every possible doubt and uncertainty you may have by aligning with it.

This August Full Moon has surprisingly strong protective energy, making it an excellent time to devote to self-care. Meet your pain, fear, shame, or guilt and face them. It is time to prioritize yourself, relax, heal emotional wounds, rest your soul, and feel safe in your body.

11 – Emotional healing and stability

Ask the Sturgeon Moon for help strengthening your emotional healing. It is an ideal period to rely on its therapeutic energy, end suffering, and forgive. That can help you restore calmness, tranquility, and peace in your heart.

This Full Moon can help you keep your feelings under control and get emotional stability and much-needed forgiveness. Dive deep into your inner being, become aware of your hidden desires, and explore unresolved issues. It is time to confront your fears and let go of everything that holds you back.

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